Published: 06.04.2023
For a few years now, the word "rule of law" has been used in all cases and given as an argument for successive interventions by the European Commission and other international bodies in our national affairs. Not only the reform of the judiciary, but also the defense of the border against waves of migrants brought in by Putin and Lukashenko, the exploitation of the Turow mine, and even... forest management plans - everything turns out to violate the "rule of law."
The EU is using the "rule of law" to expand its powers
In the name of the "rule of law," nearly PLN 2 billion has already been deducted from EU funds due to Poland. Access to another PLN 160 billion from the National Reconstruction Plan (NRP) is being withheld. To the delight of some domestic politicians, the international news agency Bloomberg announces the blocking of another PLN 70 billion from the Cohesion Fund.
Too often, the Polish response to these problems is limited to saying: "no one knows what the rule of law is." Meanwhile, the concept of the rule of law has been developed in the European Union for at least 50 years. Only recently, however, it has become a weapon to combat nation-states that want to undertake sovereign policies outside the radically liberal mainstream. Austria was the first victim of this "militarization of the rule of law," followed by Hungary, and today the instrumentally treated "rule of law" is intended to help subordinate the Polish political scene.
Without a clear understanding of what the "rule of law" is and is not, we will never be able to effectively defend ourselves against the blackmail of international committees, commissions and tribunals.
That's why in the coming weeks we will be releasing three important analyses that have been sorely lacking so far in Poland.
The first will deal with the history of the "rule of law" and how it has been "militarized."
The second will show in detail what the notorious KPO is and how the European Commission has decided to replace state governments in planning even the smallest aspects of national policy - from the way courts are set up and the rules of procedure for the Sejm, to gas stoves, "clean transportation zones" and the promotion of gender in culture.
The third analysis is devoted to international human rights monitoring committees. For years, we have been observing how they unlawfully expand their powers and attempt to limit the sovereign authority of national governments - including in our homeland. In doing so, we will point out strictly what actions of the committees are within and beyond their authority.
We have shown many times before that sound knowledge and accessible explanations of key issues in the public debate make it possible to make a real impact on ongoing events. Such was the role of our 2015 report on family policy. Our 2018 report on Norway's Barnevernet child removal system influenced international proceedings with such force. Similarly, we broke the paralysis of fear of reliable analysis of pandemic regulations with a series of seminars and a comprehensive scientific monograph. These are just a few examples where substantive analysis and getting to the heart of the issue helped convince policymakers and put public debate on a new track.
What is the rule of law for the EU?
Affordable knowledge on the topics of "rule of law" and EU actions is needed immediately. Because for several years we have all been subjected to a campaign of disinformation by some media and politicians hoping to "financially starve" Poland, as German MEP and recent German Justice Minister Katarina Barley has openly stated.
The deliberate muddling of the "rule of law" and the inclusion of more issues in it leads to absurdities, such as deriving from the rule of law access to abortion, privileges for same-sex unions, restrictions on freedom of speech and conscience. Over time, the rule of law becomes an excuse for arbitrary decisions, double standards and political discrimination. Thus, it becomes its own negation.
Suffice it to recall that this was once not the case. In 1958, the Fifth French Republic was founded amid the threat of a military putsch and the seizure of Paris by the military. Under these circumstances, Gen. Charles de Gaulle comes to power and the constitution is amended. The "Founding Fathers" of the EU, so revered today - including the first head of the European Commission Walter Hallstein, President of the European Parliamentary Assembly Robert Schuman, German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer - did not reproach France for violating the "rule of law."
Why? The creators of the European project knew well that its strength comes from common economic interests while fully respecting the political sovereignty of its members. Attempts to interfere in the internal affairs of proud nations, especially in cooperation with internal opposition, would mean the end of the dream of a common Europe of peace and cooperation. Today, however, the EU lacked people of the format of Robert Schuman or Alcide de Gasperi (both of whom, by the way, are entitled to the titles of "servant of God" due to the beatification processes that have been initiated).
Regardless of the analytical work, we make use of our official status within the EU structures. Invited by the European Commission to periodic consultations on "the rule of law in Poland," we are the only organization from Poland to speak out in defense of our homeland. In order to reach as widely as possible with our information, we organized a conference in Brussels dedicated to the real rule of law.
Global giants lose to Ordo Iuris
Nor do we give up when attacks on Ordo Iuris take on an unprecedented scale. We have taken up the challenge thrown at us by the global giants with billion-dollar budgets. Two months ago, the ILGA (International Lesbian and Gay Association), which brings together more than 600 organizations from 90 countries, the global giant Planned Parenthood, which runs hundreds of abortion clinics, and the Center for Reproductive Rights Foundation, which has been behind the global abortion movement for 30 years, fearing for their position, asked the European Commission for help in fighting Ordo Iuris.
In response, we demanded a meeting with EU officials. Two weeks ago, the meeting took place, becoming an opportunity to talk about the real value of "diversity" in the EU. Immediately afterwards, we received a letter confirming that our status as an organization monitoring the spending of EU funds in Poland is not in jeopardy.
The essence of our mission is to combine sound analysis, explaining concepts and problems central to the modern war of civilization, with effective practical action.
If today we do not stand up to the bureaucrats who, holding prominent positions in the EU or the UN, want to extend their powers extra-tractually, then soon every area of Polish life will be subject to their control. In this way, we will lose the ability to effectively oppose the implementation of the gender agenda's demands, which strike at the foundations of our civilization. As a result, formalization of same-sex unions and homoadoption will be introduced into the Polish legal system.
Jerzy Kwaśniewski - president of Ordo Iuris
The following updates and adds to an earlier list of violations that was published in October 2024.
• The European Commission has announced the inclusion of a revised Code of Conduct on Countering Illegal Hate Speech Online in the Digital Services Act.
• Over a year has passed since Donald Tusk’s latest government was established in Poland.